Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Insecurities: We all have them, so what do we do with them?

We all have insecurities...that's just part of life! What we do with those insecurities is a different story. The way I see it, there are two ways to handle our insecurities: we can live out of them or we can find freedom from them in Christ.

Living out of Insecurities

Insecurities present themselves in different ways for each of us. If we are insecure about friendships, we spend all our time trying to fit in with the people we want to be accepted by. When we are insecure in our ability to do something, we tend to go above and beyond what's required in an effort to prove ourselves to gain acceptance and approval. When we are insecure about our looks or personal appearances, we try to wear the right make-up, have the right hairstyle, dress like those we want to impress, or workout and diet tirelessly. When we are insecure about our singleness or relationships, we tend to become over eager in trying to make someone interested in us. When we try to arrange our lives to overcompensate for our own insecurities, we neglect God and we exhaust ourselves and those around us.

Freedom in Christ

When we bring our insecurities before God and allow Him to heal those insecurities, we find freedom. In Him, we are greatly loved and accepted. We are beautiful in His sight (Ps 45:11). He has called us His beloved (Song of Solomon). He is the greatest Friend we will ever have (Job 16:20-21). One of the greatest compliments I have received is being told that I'm the same no matter who I'm around and I'm not afraid to say what I think. That is one of the benefits that come when we take our insecurities to God. When we relinquish our insecurities to The Father, we are able to be ourselves without worrying about others around us because we are only concerned about Him and what He says about us. Beth Moore said, "Our callings can be at stake if we are not willing to allow Him to deal with our insecurities." Allowing Him to heal our insecurities frees us up to live the life He has called us to live. I don't know about you, but I don't want my insecurities to hold me back from what He has planned for me.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Angela. I pray others will read this and the Lord will write the message on their hearts. Not only should we as the Body of Christ walk along side those who deal with insecurity but not let the enemy use insecurity in our own lives to kill, steal, and destroy our true identity. Allow the Savior to define us not man. Oh Father help us to take the masks off and allow Your strength to be perfected in our insecurities.
