Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Smile on this face...

I've decided that somewhere within me is a magnet that attracts the most bizarre men...I call them my crazies! Just like any single, available girl, I do want some interest from the opposite sex. However, there are some that I wish would not pay me any attention at all! In the last few weeks, I've had a string of them. My favorite to date happened yesterday morning.

Picture it....

I'm driving down the interstate in my exit only lane prepared to merge onto yet another interstate while singing "Defying Gravity" from the Wicked soundtrack at the top of my lungs. Suddenly, a crew cab F350 truck in the lane next to me gets a little ahead of me and there is a man leaning half of his body out the back wind of the truck waving wildly at me. Well, of course I look because he could be trying to tell me something important like, "Hey, you have a flat tire!" This was not the case! When he knew he had my attention he gave me a cheesy grin and then did the Joey backward head nod, as if to say, "How you doin'?"

I was shocked!!!!! I mean, seriously?!?! What did he think I was gonna do???? Did he think I was gonna gesture with my thumb & pinky next to my face as if to say, "Call me," then hold up a poster board with my number plastered on it?!


  1. I blame the fast food ad industry. Have you seen the commercials lately?

  2. haha...."hey kids, want to know how I met your dad?? one day, I was driving down the highway and he leaned out of his buddy's truck to wave at was love at first sight! I pulled over, he jumped my car, and we've been together ever since!" ....seriously?!?!?
    I agree with Jerry Seinfeld...dudes have NO IDEA what they are doing!
