Last night, as I rounded the corner of my apartment building, I was greeted by two beety, little eyes staring me down from the top of the stairs. I jumped because it scared the bejeezus out of me! I quickly realized this wasn't a cat I was dealing was a opossum!
My initial thought was to turn back around and get back in my car; however, as I turned to walk away, I thought, "This is STUPID! I'm not gonna let some stupid opossum keep me from going down the other set of stairs to my apartment!" I promptly turned back around, pepper spray in hand and ready to fire! It was then that I began to reason with the opossum. "OK, little opossum, you stay right there and don't come after me. You come after me, and I'm gonna spray you with this pepper spray!" I talked to that thing the whole time I was walking down the other stairs. My fear was that it was going to jump from the flight of staris above me and onto my head! He didn't move an inch!
OK I need to get in touch with Nicholas Evans and then when they make it into a movie Juliette Binoche can play you!