Sunday, February 8, 2009


Isaiah 55:8-9 "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'"

Do you ever think you've got the plan for your life all figured out only to realize that the plan you've determined isn't God's plan? I've been there many times! I'm so sure of where God is leading me and think I know the end result that He has in store, only to find that God has a different end result in store. Why is it that I still try to figure out what God's plan is when He's told me that His ways aren't my ways? When I try to determine how things are going to turn out, I'm putting God in a box. When I give up the need to understand, I allow God to be God and I can rest in who He is. Eventhough it is a little unsettling at times to just sit back and enjoy the journey, I think I would much rather not get caught up in my own plans that I miss out on God's!

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